Admission to the show will be “pay what you can” with 100% of the proceeds from tickets and refreshment sales going to the international humanitarian aid group Doctors Without Borders.
Incase you didn’t know, Doctors Without Borders has maintained a presence in Haiti for years. When the earthquake struck last week, they lost all three of their facilities but were immediately up and running in temporary quarters. For more information about the non-profit please visit http://wwwdoctorswithoutborders.org for up-to-date information about their efforts in Haiti.
The current line-up and list of comedians who are going to participate; Mark Curry, AJ Jamal, J Anthony Brown, Chris Spencer, Ron G, The Mooney Twins, and Skillz Hudson with the list growing every day. For more info please contact Mark Prince at pjentertainment@hotmail.com or by calling 202-489-7372.