After digging into it myself, I found some potentially juicy news. Recently, Tyrese unveiled his new comic book MAYHEM at a party in Downtown Los Angeles that had both Hollywood and comic book elites in attendance. Confirmed at the event were Michael Bay, Taraji P. Henson, Tila Tiquila and many of the local comic book talents that included Jeff Katz, Chip Mosher, Mark Sable, Jonathan Davis, Scott Lobdell, Gary Phillips, Tone Rodriguez, Carey Percy, and Joe Keatinge, head of marketing at Image Comics where MAYHEM will be published.
Then I discovered on Twitter that Tyrese had tweeted about his dinner with Avi.
@Tyrese4real: “He said great art…he just said this is gonna be awesome… he loved the cover…”
And the tweets continue with, @Tyrese4real: “I learned sooooo much tonight… He was very insightful…There were secrets he shared…Advice he gave…Just amazing…”
And finally, @Tyrese4real: “Here’s the BEST PART…He signed the cover of my MAYHEM comic book, wrote [his] name and wrote [advice] ON MY COVER…Wow...Avi is the man!
So was this just a meeting of the minds? Is Avi going to produce MAYHEM the movie? Is Tyrese going to be the star of Marvel’s next blockbuster? Is Avi offering guidance on the creative direction of the MAYHEM comic? Does this mean the comic book world is embracing Tyrese? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.