***Ah SKIT- It's Friday*** New Episode!- The Adventures of Super.... Barkkkk!
We KNOW it's not Friday, but since we didn't add last week's skit for the week, we decided to add it today. So, this week's episode is from comedians Del Harrison and Kareem Green, as they present The Adventures of Super....Barrkkk! The video features Ayanna Siverls, Jacquella JQ Funchess, Douglas Streater, Kareem Green and Del Harrison. Tell us what you think!
I love this Skit! Del is funny as hell and Kareem Green works well with the collaboration with all of their skits. They are a super great comedy script performing team and I look forward to seeing them on the big screen soon. We need more creative comedy script shows on the TV that's written and produced by black comedians. TV sitcoms have gotten so boring now-a-days with the exception of the Tyler Perry shows. Comedy Central needs to do more black comedy script shows such as this one with Del and Kareem Green. This is my opinion only.
I love this Skit! Del is funny as hell and Kareem Green works well with the collaboration with all of their skits. They are a super great comedy script performing team and I look forward to seeing them on the big screen soon. We need more creative comedy script shows on the TV that's written and produced by black comedians. TV sitcoms have gotten so boring now-a-days with the exception of the Tyler Perry shows. Comedy Central needs to do more black comedy script shows such as this one with Del and Kareem Green. This is my opinion only.