Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Toldja So! Martin Lawrence Confirms Bad Boys 3!

As we originally reported way back in August, it looks like Martin Lawrence confirmed to MTV News yesterday- Bad Boys 3 is officially on with Lawrence and Will Smith!

If you remember a couple of months ago, we placed a story stating that we heard Hollywood execs were trying their best to bring back Will Smith and Martin Lawrence for a third installment of the Bad Boys films action franchise.

Well, as of today's news it seems that we were right- officially. Lawrence confirmed that Columbia Pictures is under way with the new film, and we discovered they have commissioned writer Peter Craig to begin work on a new screenplay.

Also as Lawrence and Smith had hoped for it seems the studio is close to signing on Michael Bay (of Transformers fame) and producer Jerry Bruckheimer back on board, both who were involved in the previous two films.

The original Bad Boys release hit cinemas in 1995, grossing a conservative $141 million worldwide, while Bad Boys 2, the sequel released eight years later, was a global box office smash, taking profits of $273 million.

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