Wednesday, March 25, 2009

George Lopez Get Late Night Talk Show On TBS!

As we reported several weeks ago, it looks like the deal is now done for comedian Geoege Lopez to get his own late night talk show. It looks like the TBS network is gearing up to challenge the other netowrks for the coveted late night slot since all the networks feel that the late night landscape is now wide open after being vacated by Jay Leno of The Tonight Show. So far, we hear that RBS looks to launch the show in the 11:30PM time slot. No word on what the name of the new show will be.
Stay tuned for more news on this shortly.

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1 comment:

  1. George, Saw you in Denver last need to work through the issues you have with latin women! Stop talking about how much you make! Your not so funny anymore....
    Chica in Denver
