Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Ghostbusters Film In The Works?

We hear this week that Columbia Pictures is in the planning stages of a new installment of its blockbuster Ghostbusters franchise. We hear the films’ Producers are planning to bring back together the original cast of Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Ivan Reitman possibly to direct, as he directed both the 1984 original and the sequel that was released in 1989. If you remember Ghostbusters was Columbia's highest grossing film ever, until it was beaten by Men in Black and then Spider-Man. Our sources stated to us that an attempt to make a third installment of the franchise was stymied in the deal making stage. It was said that so much gross was pledged to the participants that it was next to impossible for the studio to make any money on a third installment. We have currently discovered that no deals will be made with the original cast until the script is ready, but the gross percentage will certainly be an issue. Stay tuned.

Questions or comments? Please email us at thehumormill.info@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. The Ghostbusters 3 project has been "in the works" for years. The entire cast did reunite to voice and write the storyline for the latest Ghostbusters video game. They announced at E3 in 08 that this would probably be the closest thing to a third movie any fan was going to get. Which makes me sad. . .
