Sunday, March 21, 2010

Steve Harvey Exclusives Dropped On Us From Rushion McDonald!

Here is an interview with Rushion MsDonald, who many of you don't know is the man who makes the Steve Harvey brand work. McDonald is the personal manager for Steve Harvey and handles everything pertaining to Steve, while also maintaining his career as a stand-up comedian. Anyway, we got a chance to catch up with McDonald after the Steve Harvey Concert in Los Angeles and we got a TON of exclusives about the future of Steve Harvey from a new book to some new TV projects and more! Check out the interview!

One On One With Comedian Kanisha Buss!

We decided to interview comedian Kanisha Buss, who as a female comedian is making quite a storm on the comedy circles with her performances as of late. We caught up with her and decided to see what is going on in her world, and how she did in several comedy competitions. Check out the interview!