Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Best Of The Best- Who Is The Top 5 Comedians Of The Year?

It’s that time of the year again! Who’s is the best of the best? That’s the question we ask you, as we ask that you take the time to submit to us your TOP 5 COMEDIANS of the YEAR. This means anyone who you have seen do stand-up within the last year, whether it was on TV or in person. We also ask that you submit to us any of the TOP 5 Funniest PERFORMANCES that you have seen on FILM THIS PAST YEAR.

So cast your vote today and let’s get it in!

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Last Comic Standing Back & Without Bill Bellamy!

We just discovered from our source over at NBC that word is going around the offices that NBC is about to change it's mind and bring back Last Comic Standing, which was orginally cancelled after its run last season. Last Comic Standing was on the air for six years and now word is they are about to get a seventh.

But for us that wasn’t the biggest news; we discovered that when they re-launch this upcoming season, they are not going to bring back host Bill Bellamy unfortunately. Word is they are making other changes on the show, and NBC feels that a new Host will bring back life to the show as they are planning on revamping the entire show. We also hear that they are looking for a surprise Host, someone like a Nick Cannon-type, who surprised the NBC Execs with the Hosting gig he is pulling over at America’s Got Talent. As of this writing, the new host has yet to be decided.

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