Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Humor Mill TV- One One One With... Rob Stapleton

Here is the latest Humor Mill TV edition, as we interview New York's own comedian Rob Stapleton. In this interview he discusses his upcoming projects plus he gives us the latest news on the tour blazin the country right now The Top Dags Of Comedy Tour. Check out the complete interview here!

Behind The Scenes: An Interview With... DC Curry

Here is a behind-the-scenes interview with comedian Don "DC" Curry as he discusses how he feels when he hits the stage. You can check out his comedy performance on thos week's episode on Martin Lawrence's 1st Amendment on the Starz Network. Make sure you check out each new episode every Friday Night (Check your local listings)

Stand Up Comedy Special- DC Curry

Here is a portion of a comedic performance by comedian DC Curry on Martin Lawrence's 1st Amendment on the Starz Network. Make sure you check out each new episode every Friday Night (Check your local listings)
